Tele­tub­bies Intro and Theme Song | La Bionda — ​“I wanna be your lover” | Rod Ser­ling — ​“Twi­light Zone Open­ing theme music” | Naomi Klein — ​“No Is Not Enough: How to Resist Trump’s Shock Pol­i­tics And Win the World We Need” | bruits Bor­ough Market, London pour Camille Délègue | Joseph Beuys — ​“Sonne statt Reagan” | bruits chirurgie | Ken­neth Gold­smith Sings Bau­drillard | Bertrand Lan­thiez — Ren­con­tre Matière Revue | Rita Lee — ​“Saúde” | Vito Acconci — ​“The Amer­i­can Gift” | Sun Ra — ​“Nuclear War” | Studio Ekspery­men­talne Pol­skiego Radia | Waipod Phet­suphan — ​“Ding Ding Dong” | Sus­piria Soundrack | Jean Wyllys — Votação do Impeach­ment, 2016 | Anto­nio variações — ​“o corpo é que paga”